Our teeth are designed to stand the test of time – a lifetime of chewing and biting. However, even strong teeth can develop tooth decay, and these are called cavities. Cavities are tiny holes caused by bacteria that feed on sugar left behind in the mouth from sweet foods. If left untreated, cavities can get bigger and cause pain, sensitivity, or tooth loss. At Sunny Dental, we have got you covered with our highly effective procedures and treatments.
Understanding Tooth-Colored Fillings
Thankfully, modern dentistry has a solution – dental filling. So, what are dental fillings? These are like tiny patches used to cover the holes in the teeth, stopping the bacteria and keeping your smile healthy and beautiful. There are different types of fillings, including tooth colored fillings, which are a popular choice because of their many advantages.
Unlike the older metal filling, tooth colored fillings perfectly blend in with your natural teeth. This means you won’t even notice you have a filling, especially if it’s a visible front tooth. Also, tooth colored fillings often need less healthy tooth structure to be removed compared to a metal filling. This helps to preserve more of your natural tooth, which is important for long-term oral health and reducing future dental procedures.
In summary, tooth colored fillings offer a minimally invasive and aesthetically pleasing way to treat cavities and restore teeth.
Why Get Dental Fillings?
Tooth colored fillings have become a popular choice for treating cavities. Here are some key benefits associated with this type of dental fillings:
Unlike the filling material for traditional metal filling, which is often gold fillings, glass ionomer, porcelain fillings, or silver fillings, tooth colored fillings are made from composite resins. These composite fillings can be matched to the shade of your natural teeth. This means the filling blends seamlessly with your smile, making it almost invisible.
Imagine having a cavity filled with composite fillings without worrying about a noticeable metal patch when you smile or laugh. Tooth colored fillings provide a discreet and natural-looking solution for maintaining a healthy and stunning smile.
Preservation of Health Tooth Structure
When treating a decayed or damaged portion, your dentist focuses on tooth decay and aims to remove only the decayed portion of the tooth. However, traditional metal filling often requires removing a small amount of healthy tooth structure to create a secure hold. Tooth colored fillings, on the other hand, can bond directly to the remaining healthy tooth structure.
This reduces the need to remove healthy tooth material, which is important for long-term oral health. The more natural tooth structure you preserve, the stronger your teeth will be in the long run, and the less likely you’ll need future dental fillings on that tooth.
Works for Different Teeth
Tooth colored fillings are a great option that can be used for treating a cavity in both front and back teeth. The composite fillings with resin material can be shaped and molded to fit the specific size and location of the cavity.
For a smaller filling in front teeth where aesthetics is important, tooth colored fillings are preferred. They can also be used for some further decay in back teeth, depending on the severity and size of the tooth decay.
Undoubtedly, tooth colored fillings offer a flexible solution for treating a cavity and promoting both normal function and aesthetics of your teeth.
When is a Dental Filling Procedure with Tooth Colored Fillings Used?
Dental fillings offer a versatile solution for numerous dental restorations. Let’s take a look at some of the most common applications of these dental filling materials:
The Treatment of Cavities Caused by Tooth Decay
This is the primary use of this type of dental filling procedure. As mentioned earlier, a cavity is like a tiny hole caused by tooth decay and composite fillings function like patches to seal the hole. The composite resin material fills the space created by tooth decay to prevent further damage and promote dental health.
By stopping the decay-causing bacteria, tooth filling prevents the cavity from growing bigger and causing pain or sensitivity. Additionally, they restore the normal function and structure of the teeth, allowing most patients to chew comfortably without discomfort.
To Repair Chips or Cracks
Teeth can sometimes get chipped or cracked for different reasons, such as accidents or biting down on hard objects. These chips or cracks can affect the aesthetics of your teeth and also make them susceptible to decay. Dental fillings, like amalgam fillings, can repair chipped or cracked teeth.
The dentist will remove any damaged portion of the tooth structure and then use the composite fillings to rebuild the missing piece. This significantly improves the appearance of your teeth and also strengthens the tooth and protects it from further damage.
To Replace Old Gold Fillings
Over time, traditional metal filling or silver fillings can wear down, chip, or leak. This can allow bacteria to get into the tooth and cause new decay. Also, the aesthetics of silver fillings can become less desirable as teeth whiten or naturally change color.
In such cases, composite fillings can be a great option for replacing an old filling. At Sunny Dental, a professional dentist will take meticulous care in removing decay and the existing filling and clean the area before placing the new filling materials.
Where Do the Composite Fillings Go?
Before going into the details of the placement of a dental filling, let’s take a quick look at the different layers of a tooth:
Enamel Layer:
This is the hard, outer shell of your tooth. It’s the strongest substance in the body and functions as a shield against bacteria and wear.
Dentin Layer:
This is the layer beneath the enamel and is softer but still strong. It contains tiny tubes that connect to the pulp.
Pulp Layer:
This is the soft inner core of your tooth. It contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue.
When it comes to a dental filling procedure, the location of your newly filled tooth will depend on the depth and severity of the cavity. Let’s explain this briefly:
Enamel Cavities:
If the problem is restricted to the enamel layer, the dental filling will primarily be placed with the enamel. This is the most common situation and requires minimal removal of tooth structure.
Dentin Cavities:
If the decay has gone beyond the enamel and reached the dentin layer, the dental filling will involve both enamel and dentin. During your office visit, the dentist will remove the decayed dentin while preserving as much healthy structure as possible. The amalgam fillings or porcelain fillings will then fill the space created by the decay in both layers.
It’s crucial to note that dental fillings are usually not placed in the pulp chamber. If the decay reaches the pulp, a more complex dental filling procedure or a root canal might be required.
How Do Tooth Colored and Composite Fillings Work?
Getting amalgam filling or tooth colored might sound daunting. However, the process is generally comfortable and efficient. Let’s look at the cavity filling process in detail:
Step One: Numbing and Examination
Visiting the dentist regularly helps prevent major decay. During your office visit, if your dentist notices a cavity, they will schedule an appointment for you. Before starting any procedure, the dentist at Sunny Dental will discuss your concerns and examine your teeth. They will use X-rays if required to get a clearer picture of the cavity’s depth. To ensure your comfort during the procedure, local anesthesia may be administered in the area around the tooth.
Step Two: Removal of Cavity
Once the area is numb, the dentist will carefully remove the decayed tooth material using a dental drill or laser. The type of instrument used will depend on the preference of your dentist and the specific situation. The drill will remove old amalgam fillings with a fine, high-speed tip, while lasers offer a more precise and possibly less uncomfortable option for removing the old filling material.
Step Three: Cleaning and Conditioning the Surface
After removing the decayed amalgam fillings, the dentist will thoroughly clean and prepare the tooth surface with a desensitizing agent to avoid galvanic shock. This involves removing any remaining bacteria and creating a slightly rough texture to help the filling material bond securely to the tooth.
Step Four: Placing the Filling Material
This is the best part. Cavity fillings are made from composite resin and they come in different shades to match your natural teeth. The dentist places the resin in thin layers on the prepared tooth surface, and each layer is then hardened using a special light.
This light-curing process bonds the tooth colored material to the tooth structure to create a strong and durable restoration. Depending on the size of the cavity, multiple layers of cavity composite materials may be applied and cured.
Step 5: Shaping and Polishing
Once the dental cement and resin layers have been placed and cured, the dentist will meticulously shape the dental amalgam to match the natural contour of your tooth. This ensures a natural and comfortable bite for chewing. Next, the silver amalgam is polished to create a smooth and beautiful surface that blends seamlessly with your surrounding teeth.
The amalgam fillings and tooth colored placement take about thirty to sixty minutes in a dental laboratory with a dentist, depending on the size and complexity of the procedure. This filling lasts for many years longer than other temporary filling and indirect filling options.
Final Thought
Tooth colored fillings offer a modern and versatile solution for treating cavities. They have many advantages over traditional metal fillings like dental amalgams. First, they blend seamlessly with your existing teeth to maintain a beautiful smile. They also often require minimal removal of healthy tooth material to promote long-term dental health.
The composite material used for the procedure is versatile and can be used for both front and back teeth, depending on the scenario. It is also a great option for replacing old fillings compared to a gold crown. In other words, it can replace older silver amalgam or other failing fillings for a renewed and more durable restoration.
If you think you might have a cavity or any other oral health concern, Sunny Dental is your top destination for everything dental care. Certified by the American Dental Association, we have the expertise and wealth of experience to treat any dental issue you may have. We specialize in indirect fillings, silver colored amalgam, tooth colored, glass ionomer, mercury mixed, other metals, and more. Schedule a dental consultation with a dentist today to get started with your dental evaluation and discuss the best treatment option for you.