Getting any tooth removed from your mouth can be a painful experience, especially when it comes to molar tooth extraction. However, when you need to do it, there is no way around it so the best thing you can do is focus on recovery after a successful broken tooth extraction procedure. Regardless of the condition that led you to get tooth extraction, it is essential that you focus on some key steps for healing if you want to be back to normal with a healthy set of teeth. To aid you with that, we are sharing some useful tips that you can use to ensure that your oral health goes back to normal in no time after you go through a tooth removal.
Steps Involved In Molar Tooth Extraction Healing Process
There are several different things that you can do to make your extraction site feel less painful and boost the speed at which your recovery happens. We will be discussing each of them in detail and while they are all designed to help you out, it is always better to focus on taking multiple steps simultaneously to get the best tooth extraction recovery results.
1. Brushing After Pulling a Root Canal Tooth
When you have a molar being pulled out of a root canal situation, or even in any other for that matter, one of the easiest ways to get your molar tooth and the area surrounding it healthy is by brushing your teeth regularly. Since your teeth are in a sensitive state, having protection is quite essential for them to retain their health, even after a simple extraction. Furthermore, this is something that can also prevent bacteria in the surrounding areas or external sources from entering the treated section. It is especially necessary if you are trying to get a surgical extraction as that can expose internal tissue quite a lot and lead to potential contamination.
2. Rinsing Mouth Repeatedly for Healthy Healing Tooth Extraction
Brushing your teeth is often not enough, especially after you get a serious case of molar removal with a longer tooth extraction healing time. In such a scenario, what you also need to add to your routine is a frequent mouth rinse. You can do that with either a good mouthwash or even use saltwater. However, do keep in mind that rinsing, especially with saltwater, can be hurtful right after the procedure. The recommended time for adding that to your oral health routine is at least 24 hours after the tooth extraction recovery time starts. That way the socket would have healed enough to avoid any unnecessary pain while positively affecting your oral hygiene.
3. Avoid Chewing on the Affected Molar After Tooth Extraction Service
Typically, after you have had a tooth extraction, there is a clot that forms which is a key part of the healing process after your surgical extraction. It is critical that you do not damage that clot or disturbing it in anyway. The most obvious way that could happen is if you chew something using the teeth around that area. Doing so can cause bleeding and even lead to swelling and pain. This would not only put you in a lot of discomfort but also prolong your healing process. An easy way to deal with that problem is to add soft food to your diet. Try to limit your food intake to items like puddings, yogurts, and other soft items that do not require a lot of chewing.
4. Ask for Pain Relief Medication from Wisdom Tooth Extraction Site
The place where you got your tooth removal done from will also be providing you with pain meds to help ease the recovery process. If they do not give you any medication and you experience post extraction pain, then you can get in touch with them and ask for pain relief medication yourself. You do not want to go around living through the pain as that can lead to other issues as well. In some cases, it could also be an indicator of some other hidden issue so get in touch with your extraction site immediately.
5. Ask Your Specialist for the Fastest Way to Heal Tooth
The best advice you can get regarding tooth extraction healing is from a professional who performs extractions. They can tell you exactly what the recovery time is for a simple extraction and can provide you with specific guidelines that can help you recover in the least possible time.
FAQs for Fully Erupted Wisdom Teeth Removal
- I’ve had my tooth out – what should I do now?
The best thing to do for you is to follow the correct recovery process as devised by your dentist, be it for root canal extraction or for any other type of removal.
- Do I need to rest after tooth removal?
Getting some rest after a surgical extraction of your molar can be quite beneficial. The first 24 hours are critical for recovery so you can let your body focus on healing.
- What will be the cost of dental extraction?
This is something entirely dependent on the type of extraction you are getting, the complications involved in the case, and the experience of the dentist.
Concluding Erupted Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery
As you can see, there are plenty of things that you can do to ensure a quick and easy recovery after getting a tooth extraction. To get more information about the process and the average cost of tooth extraction in the Miami area, we recommend getting in touch with Sunny Isles Dental right away!